Being on the road so much, it's super convenient to have a phone mount in my Jeep. For a little over a year, I've been using a decent phone stand I found on Amazon, but my phone would always fall out! You get what you pay for right? On top of that, the sticky adhesive keeping the holder in place would occasionally melt and my phone would droop down! It was hilarious but tragic. Not only is the Wrangler a bumpy ride, but going offroading was a guarantee that my phone would fall at some point. It got old reaaal quick. Luckily, ProClip USA reached out to me with a solution.
ProClip took the time to talk to me about the problems I had with my old stand, the measurements of my phone and my bulky case! It's always hard finding a phone stand to fit such a big phone case, but the ProClip Adjustable Holder for Rugged Case works like a charm. It is easily adjustable to fit different sized phone cases.
But before you dive further into my original review, I want to give y'all an update. I always promise to keep it real with products and share my opinions of them over time because as we all know, some parts fail and other parts really hold up. Here is my update within a year of installing the ProClip phone stand:
UPDATE (added on 3/6/2020):
About 6 months after installing the phone holder, I was offroading on a really bumpy road and the whole phone holder fell off! Luckily I found all four screws and was able to reattach it to the mount.
Although the mounting platform comes with 4 holes pre-made on both the left and right sides to easily screw in the phone holder, the holes on the left side that were made by the manufacturer were too big originally, so I could only use the right side to attach my phone holder without making new holes on my own.
I believe when the holder failed this first time that the screws falling out made the holes on the right side a bit bigger because I noticed my phone didn't fit the same. The phone holder would slide out making it too wide and my phone would slip out. Other times the videos captured on my phone while in the stand where insanely shaky to the point where you could barely tell what the video was of. It required constant retightening almost every time I got in the Jeep.
Flash forward another few months and the holder fell again, but this time I lost some of the screws and the holes are now torn too big to simply screw it back in. I contacted ProClip that I could no longer use the mount and the offered to send me some replacement screws. They also informed me that I need to make my own holes elsewhere in the mount in order to screw the phone holder back into place.
Not sure if I got a defective mount and phone stand or if these only last about a year, but I will give y'all another update once I receive the replacement screws from ProClip and re-drill my own holes. Time to get to work!
Now back to my original review...
ProClip makes a variety of different holders for all kinds of devices and vehicles, so you can find the perfect set up for your ride. Having a phone stand made specifically for your vehicle makes all the difference. Take it from someone who has used "one-fits-all" phone stands their whole life! Goooodd riddance. I'll never go back.
Originally, I had zero problems with my phone falling off. But overtime, the stand eventually fell and since then any video footage taken with the phone in the stand is insanely rough... and not in a good way. Although it is a lot faster to fit my phone into the ProClip holder in comparison to my old one, given that it is designed specifically by vehicle and device, but it still did not withstand the offroad test, and eventually crumbled like the rest after about a year of use.
One thing I like about the ProClip Center Mount (Extra Strength) Mounting Platform is that it is super easy to install - the mount requires no tools, but the holder you need a #1 & #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver. The install is fast and easy for anyone with any experience and the steps are very straightforward.
The mount and phone holder take no more than 10-20 minutes to install and require zero drilling. Here's how to install the ProClip Mount:

Install Steps - Phone Mount
First, wipe down the surface where the ProClip mount will be placed with rubbing alcohol and let it dry.
Peel off the adhesive tape backing on the mount. This tape isn’t supposed to leave any marks, so your Jeep will be just fine if you take it off down the road.
With the ProClip label facing upright, press the angled edge on the lower part of the mount into the gap at the top of your stereo. It will easily fit in.
Once you have the mount centered and where you want it, press firmly on the upper part of the ProClip to push it forward to snap it in and hook the back edge onto the compartment edge. Press down on the top to secure the ProClip.
That’s it! No tools necessary! But you will need a few screwdrivers for the next part. If you want some more instruction, check out my video on how to install the ProClip mount below:
So far I have been very impressed with the Adjustable Holder for Rugged Case by ProClip. I have an iPhone XS Max and a brick of a case on my phone, but the Rugged Case adjusts to easily fit it, unlike a lot of phone holders on the market. I’ve had a hard time finding a sturdy mount for my Jeep that fits this giant thing!
However, there are a few downsides I have found. First off, the holder doesn't grab onto the phone super tight so when you record a video, it comes out shaky looking. Also, with the limited placement of the phone holder, turning your phone sideways to record while you're on the trails or roadtripping, you lose over half of the image to your dashboard. Since I like to leave my phone recording as I Jeep around, this was a bit disappointing to find out. But my phone has yet to fall with this new stand, even after months of use.
The phone holder install takes literally minutes. You can scroll down to watch me install it for proof! You can mount the holder either vertically or horizontally onto the mount, depending on how you want your phone positioned most often. It does feature a swivel base so you can adjust the position as needed.
Here’s a quick video to see how I installed the ProClip Phone Holder, or you can scroll down to read my install instructions for more info:
Install Steps - Phone Holder
To adjust the width of the holder, unscrew the smaller top and bottom screws with a #1 Phillips Head Screwdriver. Do NOT unscrew them all the way. Just loosen them enough to where you can adjust the side arms to fit your phone and case. Once you adjust it to the right size, tighten those screws back up.
Next take a #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver and unscrew the middle screw. This screw will not come out, all this does is detach the swivel base plate from the back of the holder.
Once you have the base plate off, decide where you want to mount it - there are two options. You can see the matching holes on the left and right sides of the mount. You can either screw in the base plate horizontally or vertically depending on how you want your phone positioned most often. I chose to place mine on the right side and vertically. Screw in the 4 small screws that come with the holder with your #1 PH Screwdriver. Make sure the screws are tight, but do not screw them in too much and strip them!
Once your base plate is secure, take the holder and stick your #2 PH Screwdriver into the middle screw again to secure it. You want to keep it still using the screwdriver, so it will be much easier to line up with the base plate. Once it is lined up, tighten the middle screw and you’re done!
Let me know if you have any questions about the ProClp Mount and Holder, or the install!
Disclaimer: ProClip provided these products to me free of charge to state my honest opinion. I will continue to update you all 6 months, and a year down the road with my thoughts on the product. You can always expect me to keep it real. (Please see my update at the beginning of this post, as promised).
Thanks for reading!
- Catie
(Make Her Mean)